Sunday, April 24, 2011

Two Eight Graders Hanged Themselves In Their School Slumber Party

Two best friends named Haylee Fentress and Paige Moravetz committed suicide at their school slumber party in Minnesota recently because they were bullied by fellow students. Both the girls were eight graders at Marshall Middle School. Their hanged bodies were discovered in the school early in the morning.

Police believe they had a suicide pact. It seems that the girls had planned their suicide for a long time and had left proper goodbye letters telling their families that they loved them. They even left funeral details in their goodbye notes.

Haylee had often complained to her family that ever since she moved to the new town she felt ostracized and bullied.

In the last one year, Haylee made one best friend and that was Paige Moravetz. Paige was spending time in Haylee's home as her mother and step dad had gone for a 10 day vacation to Hawaii.

It is always sad to read such stories because bullying is a never ending story. Kids and even adults are bullied all the time. There are a lot of people who are unable to face the pressure and get so hurt in the process that they can no longer continue their lives. These girls had not even seen the real life and they ended up finishing their lives so soon.

It is interesting to see that although quite a few kids end their lives due to bullying every year but still not enough precautions are taken to prevent such things from happening. And bullies feel victorious all the time since bullies are never ever caught.