Friday, July 6, 2012

Anakin the two legged kitten

Last night I read about Anakin & I think this story is quite an inspiration for all of us who are struggling every day. 

Anyway, this particular kitten was born without pelvis & two back legs & it’s quite a miracle that he has survived & not just that, he has also been adopted by 36 year old artist Carrie Hawks. She found this disabled kitten wandering in the woods with a couple of other feral cats looking for food. 

She has also made pages of Anakin on both FB & twitter. She keeps updating about the kitten. 

It’s obvious from the videos & photos that Anakin is a happy baby. 

But you know there are always people who suggest that disabled animals ought to be put down. As far as Anakin is concerned, he has a loving home. Moreover, he behaves just like any other kitten of his age. He could also balance himself on just two legs & tail. I don’t see the point of euthanizing this happy kitten at all but some people can’t help suggesting idiotic views without ever thinking about the feelings of animal. They also want to enjoy life just like humans. Disability doesn't make an animal less cute than others.

Anyhow, we wish Anakin a very long & happy life. As it is, he’s very lucky to have a family. Some animals don’t even experience love & affection even for a fraction of a second. The story is not much different for some humans too.