Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father’s Day everyone! :D

Actually I just feel like writing something about my father today as I didn’t write anything on his anniversary.

I just can’t believe how 19 years have passed without Papa. When I was a kid, I used to throw away his things in anger & I kind of miss it even today :P I guess he was too good a human, so he’s dead. And things would surely have been different for both Z & I had he been alive. One thing I know for sure – he was the only person who could get me out of deep shit. I don’t count on any other being.

So if you’re dad is alive, have dinner with him or do something special for him. Just in case, he’s something evil, cause parents can be evil, I’m sure you know how to deal with your headache.

I started talking to Papa when I was just 3 days old & by the time I was 2 year old, my parents knew I had huge crushes on Nadeem, Dharmendra & Gregory Peck. But like most people who have lost their dads & moms, I don’t secretly talk to Papa when I’m happy or sad. I can’t feel his presence either. And I do find it highly dramatic! I’m the kind of person who can believe almost anything but I just don’t believe in this crap. I don’t know why people talk shit. We do get upset; it’s natural but we don’t have to exaggerate it to this extent.

My best friend once suggested to me that I ought to write a book on my life. I don’t think I can do that but I came up with the title immediately which was ‘Penniless orphans.’ In fact it would have been the story of the kind penniless orphans who know why caged birds sing. I know it doesn’t go with my image or with my father’s name but it’s not an exaggeration. And it has just occurred to me that I have never written anything about orphans. I also think I won’t ever write anything on them for obvious reason.

Anyhow I think Z & I were totally blessed to have a father like him even for a short while. Sometimes I wish I had been as colourful as my dad :P He was so full of life.