Saturday, July 7, 2012

Tom Hardy – another hottie

This guy will be playing the main villain in the forthcoming new Batman sequel. 

Tom Hardy appears as Bane in the final installment of Christopher Nolan's upcoming movie The Dark Knight Rises, which is going to be released in the U.S. on July 20. Bane happens to a very different villain to Heath Ledger’s Joker in the Dark Knight. I think that was one of the best roles of Heath Ledger & he had so much potential. It has been truly a major loss for the industry. 

But I’m sure Tom Hardy won’t disappoint us either. He’s too good & I love his British accent. It’s just too sexy! And I’m madly in love with Christian Bale, so I’m looking forward to it.

But quite frankly, I’m not at all fascinated by the trailer & Tom Hardy doesn’t sound all that clear with that thing called mask or whatever on his mouth. Even critics who watched the clip also complained about it. 

The Hollywood Reporter's Borys Kit said: 

“It may be early in the sound mixing process, but a lot of key dialogue, particularly that of Bane, who speaks via a mask, was unintelligible.”

SuperHeroHype's Silas Lesnick also picked up on Bane's muffled voice.

“Muffled by his mask and featuring a British accent, it's difficult to fully understand exactly what he is saying (but likely intentionally).”

And I’m sorry to say there is not much in the trailer. I hope the movie is better. I really wanted to hear Tom Hardy, not Anne Hathaway trying to seduce us. At first I couldn’t even recognize her. It’s one boring trailer. 

Anyhow, Tom Hardy is almost 35 year old & he’s got a four year old son. He also admits that he’s paying a huge price for stardom. In fact he’s more like a Skype father when it comes to his relationship with his son Louis. Recently he said in one of his interviews: 

 “I like to go no longer than three weeks without seeing my loved ones, but it does take some juggling. I'm very much aware of being a "Skype father," which is sad. But I have to have the finances to make sure [my son will] be secure, and I can only do that by working.” 

He’s also engaged to actress Charlotte Riley. They met on the set of the British TV movie “Wuthering Heights.”