Emma Watson - the Harry Potter actress announced last month that she was taking time off from her studies at Brown University to focus on her film career.
There were reports later on that she decided to leave college because she was bullied by fellow students. However, Emma is saying that she was not bullied out of the US Ivy League college at all as the media is portraying.
According to one report, the 21 year old Emma Watson was bullied by classmates when she gave correct answers. They used to make fun of her by shouting, 'Three points for Gryffindor' - reference to the fictional school of Harry Potter.
But Emma insists nothing like that ever happened. In fact, she said it is ridiculous to say that students at Brown University bully fellow students. She chose to take a break for acting and will continue studying again. She said she has never been bullied by anyone all her life.
Anyhow, though I feel students can make fun of her, most of the staff members say she is indeed correct in saying that she was never bullied. Seniors say that there was awareness about her but all of that faded in sometime at the campus.
As it is she joined the college in 2009 and it is a good enough time for students to get used to celebrities kids. This is exactly how it usually happens. I doubt it too that she would be bullied but yes people can make fun and joke around.