Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Cameron Diaz covers the May issue of InStyle

Actually Cameron’s promoting her movie ‘What to Expect When You’re Expecting.’ She’s playing the role of a pregnant woman. Those who have read this book think it will be a crappy sort of movie. 

Cameron Diaz is pretty & most of us like her. Yeah sometimes she seems pretty cheap but then who is not. 

I think the cover looks fine. And the rest of the pics are so so. 

Her views on love life are not much different from any normal person. Remember she was dating a guy who wanted her to have muscles just like him. Even Madonna dated that thing Alex Rodriquez. 

According to one of the sources, “[Cameron is] hurt and betrayed, because she tried so hard to please him…She went overboard." 

Alright. This is what Diaz said in her interview: 

 “I would never have guessed that I would end up dating any of the guys I’ve dated–never! There’s no through-line between them. But I love love, and love comes from many different places. When I was going through a bit of a heartbreak a little while ago, I said to a friend, ‘Wow, this really hurts!’ And he said to me, ‘That just shows you what your capacity for loving is.’ I would rather have my heart broken a thousand times than never to love at all. I have so much love to give–I’m not empty of love, I’m full of love.” 

Everything has a price & love is not any exception. Yeah when you go on pleasing someone, you do get hurt eventually, but it’s better to get hurt & let go of that jerk. Frankly speaking, who can possibly stand a guy who wants you to have muscles! Ugh! 

“I’m living my life as a journey. My quest is to make it better every year.” 

The good thing is…she is not making an impression. 

“Good friendship is basic: Be good to one another, be thoughtful, enrich one another’s lives. I learn so much from my girlfriends, and I love it.” 

She’s a girl’s girl just like us. Another point for this pretty woman. 

“Society definitely puts pressure on women to make them think their lives should go a certain way. I’ve never said I don’t want children–I just haven’t had children yet. I don’t know what’s going to happen in my life!” 

Even this reply is much better than the crap we have heard from certain celebrities who don’t want to have kids but they can’t say so…instead they say unintelligent stuff. 

Over all, her interview is much better & you could see a human talking…

But I don’t like the InStyle photoshoot. I really do not know what is wrong with it or what’s missing. You could see sadness in her eyes & maybe that’s one of the reason why these pictures didn’t click as such.