There are a couple of things that do bother me from time to time. Bitching might be healthy to some extent but one can’t say this about hating & judging. And some mortals very conveniently kill the person they can’t stand. I’m sorry to say but Only abnormal people can have issues with beliefs & choices of another person.
I do support LGBT & the main reason is that I don’t see the point as to why someone should be bullied for a personal reason. I also don’t see the point of judging these people. I don’t care what they do is normal or abnormal. I just feel it’s wrong on the part of people to bully them to the extent that they end up coming suicide. After all, we are not God.
I was not shocked when I read about Stuart Walker’s murder. In fact this guy was beaten, tied to a lamppost & burned alive. The reason for this madness was his sexuality. He was gay & so some people thought they might as well kill him. One can neither be amazed or shocked. All we know is that some people hate so much that they have no problem in killing anyone who is not like them.
Jamie Hubley was a 15 year old kid & he was open about his sexuality. Naturally he was bullied on the net as well as in school for being gay. This teenager committed suicide. He also used to run a blog named “You Can’t Break…When You’re Already Broken.” He was very young & the name of the blog clearly suggests he was hurt beyond repair.
School life was not just difficult but unbearable. They used to call him vicious names in the hallways & online. He wrote on his blog:
"I hate being the only open gay guy in my school… It f***ing sucks, I really want to end it. Like all of it, I not getting better there’s 3 more years of high school left, I’ve been on 4 different anti -depressants, none of them worked. I’ve been depressed since january, How f***ing long is this going to last. People said “It gets better”. Its f***ing bull****. I go to see psychologist, What the f*** are they suppost to f***ing do? All I do is talk about problems, it doesn’t make them disappear?? I give up."
These are 2 just examples but there have been innumerable victims. Some have been killed & some prefer committing suicide rather than leading miserable lives. I have often heard & read that it’s a choice to be gay or normal. But I think it is something natural. How can you help being attracted towards someone specific? Anyhow it’s disgusting how people kill in the name of God-knows-what. They kill you for having different views. They kill you if they believe you are a sinner. They kill as if they are deriving some sort of satisfaction. It’s all very ugly & low.