James Dean confided in Elizabeth Taylor that he was molested as a child. She revealed this to journalist Kevin Sessums in 1997 but asked him to not to publish it till she died. And Kevin as you can see didn’t waste much time in revealing the dark secret of James Dean.
Elizabeth Taylor worked with James Dean in the classic film Giant. Dean died in a car accident at the age of 24 just one year before Giant was released.
Anyway it has been reported in the Daily Beast:
“I loved Jimmy. I’m going to tell you something, but it’s off the record until I die. OK? When Jimmy was 11 and his mother passed away, he began to be molested by his minister. I think that haunted him the rest of his life. In fact, I know it did. We talked about it a lot. During Giant we’d stay up nights and talk and talk, and that was one of the things he confessed to me.”
What can we say? The only person to gain something out of it is this journalist. All the people involved are dead. James Dean is dead. The clergyman is dead & now Elizabeth Taylor is also dead. Who knows maybe the journalist is just making up this story. And if James Dean did tell such a thing to Elizabeth Taylor, then it was very wrong on her part. I think it was one bitchy move.
Moreover it has also been said that this is not a secret. Those who have read his biography claim that he was being molested as a kid. He was also bisexual & had serious issues due to child abuse. He was sexually abused by a minister 2 years after his mother’s death. Dean’s 1st biographer also had intimate sexual relationship with him. He was both into men & women. He once said: "No, I am not a homosexual. But, I'm also not going to go through life with one hand tied behind my back."
However, Journalist Joe Hyams suggests that Dean had homosexual activities strictly for trade. But many others claim that he was a confirmed bisexual & religiously believed in experiments.
Since Dean's death, a "legend" has arisen that his Porsche 550 Spyder was "cursed" and supposedly injured or killed several others in the years following his death.