Scotland Yard is quite sorry for their errors due to which a criminal Delroy Grant was left free to commit very ugly crimes, perhaps the most horrifying crimes in the history of Scotland Yard.
Delroy Grant is often known as the "Night Stalker" who preyed on pensioners for 20 years. He used to break into their homes and sexually assaulted them. In these 2 decades starting from 1992, he attacked 203 victims but detectives think the real number could be even more than 500 victims. Some victims were too ashamed to come forward.
In 1999, the police could catch Grant but due to their irresponsible errors he was set free. The police focused on someone else with a similar name and the real criminal was never caught. This mistake of Scotland Yard has caused a lot of suffering for hundreds of people.
Today Scotland Yard has accepted its fault in this case. Yesterday, Grant was found guilty of the series of sex attacks and late night burglaries he committed.
This is really horrifying and saddening. It shows how many different types of mad people exist in the world. Though, I am amazed that Scotland Yard could not catch the man in a good 20 years. Feel terribly sad for the victims and their families.