Lindsay Lohan has decided that she would officially change her name to just Lindsay. This week her father was arrested for domestic abuse & that triggered this decision. In fact, she was thinking about dropping her surname even earlier on but thought no one who would know who she was without her surname.
Popeater reports: “Lindsay is dropping the Lohan and just going by Lindsay,” Dina tells me, exclusively. “Plus, me and [younger daughter] Ali will be officially changing our last names back to my maiden name, Sullivan.”
“So many of the greatest people in showbiz are known by just their first name. Look at Oprah and Beyonce. Now you can add Lindsay to that list,” a family friend tells me. “And it’s a way for them all to start over. No one in the family wants anything to do with Lindsay’s father [Michael Lohan] anymore and that includes sharing a last name.”
Michael Lohan is the man who took nude photos of his ex fiancée Kate Major without her knowledge while she was sleeping & he also sold them. According to Kate, he’s a disgusting man & father. He even attacked & abused her.
Lindsay comes from a dysfunctional family. Now it all makes sense why she has such a troubled life.
Popeater reports: “Lindsay is dropping the Lohan and just going by Lindsay,” Dina tells me, exclusively. “Plus, me and [younger daughter] Ali will be officially changing our last names back to my maiden name, Sullivan.”
“So many of the greatest people in showbiz are known by just their first name. Look at Oprah and Beyonce. Now you can add Lindsay to that list,” a family friend tells me. “And it’s a way for them all to start over. No one in the family wants anything to do with Lindsay’s father [Michael Lohan] anymore and that includes sharing a last name.”
Michael Lohan is the man who took nude photos of his ex fiancée Kate Major without her knowledge while she was sleeping & he also sold them. According to Kate, he’s a disgusting man & father. He even attacked & abused her.
Lindsay comes from a dysfunctional family. Now it all makes sense why she has such a troubled life.