Hot ass Kim Kardashian is dating football player Kris Humphries & I hope you all know this, cause this isn’t any hot news.
The media as usual fears that another sex tape might emerge & if not sex tape, then raunchy photos can invariably circulate on the net. Kim is quite a dangerous woman for a man & his career. The media is also worried about the history of Kim with men. Maybe it’s always men, men, men & more men; it’s never men, men & some women. Actually I believe people are dying for another sex tape otherwise who cares if Kim sleeps with a player or a model.
Anyway Kris is super tall & huge. Kim looks really delicate in front of him :P I mean her ass goes with this man. In fact I like this couple. They look happy. And more than this couple, I’m happy, cause I’ve written something nice on Kim at last.