Lady Gaga continues to shock everyone & most of all her fans. She has made headlines in the news for her recent remarks about wearing makeup even to bed. She doesn’t fully get rid of her makeup each night. She reveals in the latest issue of People:
"That is not good for your skin, but I'm blessed with good genes," she said.
"I don't like to tan my face because it's bad for wrinkles," added Lady Gaga. She regards her mom as a beauty icon & she taught her to wash her face with simple products like Ivory soap. Which means she does wash her face sometimes?
Anyway in simple words, she goes to sleep with makeup on, but she wouldn’t go without sunscreen. As I said in my title, her beauty tips can be shocking. Usually people wash their face day & night. Naturally it’s too much for certain minds that someone wears sunscreen but doesn’t ever shed her outrageous makeup. I don’t know why they are shocked. Many people don’t take bath for 3-7 days. Do they even bother to wash faces? I have my doubts. Yeah for many of us it’s hard to believe that someone can go to bed without shedding makeup. But it’s her life. That doesn’t give anyone the right to call her totally unhealthy & gross. Some of us don’t wear makeup & I have seen that people also have problem with that. Since she mentioned washing her face with Ivory soap, I’m sure she can’t be all that dirty as the media is making her to be.
She’s a natural brunette, but she admitted that she had to get a "chemical haircut because [her] blonde hair is falling out.” I don’t know what does she mean by chemical haircut. Moreover, she dyed her hair blonde after some interviewer confused her with Amy Winehouse. She said, "I want to be known for my own look.”
Lady Gaga admits to constantly wanting a foot massage after stalking around town in her sky-high boots and heels. Yeah walking in those boots can be quite tough. The idea of even wearing such shoes is pure torture. Anyhow, she said that she’s just being herself & it’s her style.
"Just go with your gut," she said. "Whenever you try to be someone else, it's boring."
Moreover, Lady Gaga often carries a purple teacup and saucer in public. "I drank tea with my mom, [so teacups] make me feel at home.”
I have read somewhere that Lady Gaga used to write songs for Britney Spears & New Kids on the Block.
Anyway, I’ve noticed that people have been quite judgmental. You know people have the right to be weird or different just as they have the right to be strong. Why are we always judging a person? She hasn’t raped or abused anyone. She hasn’t hurt anyone with her words or deeds. She can choose to be anything she likes. And I think people love this kind of entertainment & then they bitch about it. First, you don’t have a life. You come across someone who happens to be more noticeable than you. You start finding faults in her, cause that makes them feel better. This is highly absurd behavior.