Ranbir Kapoor is now the ambassador for the 'Marks For Sports' Campaign. It’s an initiative taken by a leading channel that aims to encourage schools and colleges to take up sports as a serious subject, not just a fun thing. Since Ranbir Kapoor is a youth icon. It would be easier for teenagers & youngsters to relate & hence he’s the most apt person to represent the campaign.
The 'Marks For Sports' campaign basically aims to propel the use of sports as a means for tolerance, respect and peace and to facilitate communication and dialogue among people, which is a very good idea. We wish them a huge success.
Ranbir Kapoor said, "I am honored to be part of 'Marks For Sports'. It is something I truly believe in. I've always been an avid sports fan but it's my belief that this isn't enough-the country needs to take sports more seriously and not just as a hobby. As part of 'Marks For Sports' I hope to strive to do just that."