Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Acts of terrorism

I have been thinking that two particular crimes are nothing but acts of terrorism against helpless beings. We may say that women have been scarred for life, but that’s not enough. Which reminds me of how breast cancer patients are mad at people for using pink ribbon to give them moral support. Some people don’t even have the choice to get mad at others. They only suffer. I’m referring to rape victims and acid victims. Each and every case is equally important, cause the victim doesn’t die but she’s forced to lead a life of a living corpse. It’s worse than death. The crime is not committed once. It’s committed every day in the mind of the victim. What could be more torturous than this? 

Few days ago, my sister narrated this story of a girl who threw acid on her boyfriend. The guy slept with her but refused to marry her later on. She went off her head & threw acid on his face. Right now she’s in jail & she said that she was quite content with what she did. You may have been wronged but that doesn’t give you the right to throw acid on anyone. Mostly husbands throw acid on their wives or men who have been turned down. Whatever the reason is, I don’t think anyone has the right to ruin someone’s life. 

We have heard about black magic. Many do not believe in it. The question is: how could anyone believe in this trash now? But the fact is: people visit those who are involved in witchcraft. Casting spell on someone has become more or less a lucrative business. I admit only three types could believe in this crap today. Those who have been victims and those who are the culprits and their clients who are equally guilty. Even these people play havoc with lives. It seems that conscience doesn’t prick these people at all. 

And yes I have been bothered by one question when I think about all these victims. Why didn’t God protect them? And we have often heard: whatever happens, it happens for the best. I don’t see anything of the sort in these cases. 

I don’t believe in nemesis or nature’s retribution or karma for that matter. Even if these culprits are punished, would that lessen the pain of victims? And what about victims who are dead? And the fact is…they are never punished. They get away with it. 

People are evil enough. They don’t even show any kind of remorse after committing terrible crimes. Ruining another person’s life means nothing to them. They have no fear of God. 

I don’t believe in the justice system of this country. Even my father who was not an ordinary person had to fight for eight long years and  he had the best lawyer. Fine. He won the case against the government but how many people can even think of filing a suit against some bastard or even the government? It requires lots and lots of courage. And you’re all alone when you fight for a just cause. 

I stay away from Pakistani dailies for a reason. It’s very depressing to read the same horrifying stories every day. We can’t even protest for them. We’ve got our own lives and we are cowards. I wish I had been like my father but I’m not. I do get scared and I do get depressed after reading such stories. All of it pricks me, cause my mom taught me several things as a child & now I realize that honesty is not the best policy. I think I was far more courageous when I was young.