Lately everyone’s working or stripping for the Sports Relief cause.
Kelly Brook only has to look at the camera seductively & you know she’s so damn used to it but this time she has to pull a scarlet sock out of her cleavage for a new Sports Relief film. So this was done in the name of charity.
“My secret's out! Sports Relief socks are an essential item in my styling kit,”she says jokingly.
Have you guys noticed that other than talking about her cleavage or pulling something out of it, or wearing push-up bras & giving highly impossible sexy tips, we don’t get any other kind of updates on this woman!
And you must check out the video. Kelly Brook looks very, very trashy. She’s just concentrating on her boobs, which she does quite religiously 24/7. Moreover, she gives pathetic expressions. And these socks aren’t very cool or anything. The logic of this video is much above sane minds :P Yeah if you are obsessed with big boobs, it’s your thing. Enjoy!
Kelly Brook only has to look at the camera seductively & you know she’s so damn used to it but this time she has to pull a scarlet sock out of her cleavage for a new Sports Relief film. So this was done in the name of charity.
“My secret's out! Sports Relief socks are an essential item in my styling kit,”she says jokingly.
Have you guys noticed that other than talking about her cleavage or pulling something out of it, or wearing push-up bras & giving highly impossible sexy tips, we don’t get any other kind of updates on this woman!
And you must check out the video. Kelly Brook looks very, very trashy. She’s just concentrating on her boobs, which she does quite religiously 24/7. Moreover, she gives pathetic expressions. And these socks aren’t very cool or anything. The logic of this video is much above sane minds :P Yeah if you are obsessed with big boobs, it’s your thing. Enjoy!