Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Cats have all the answers

And dogs can be all the answers. People have different kinds of notions about both cats & dogs. Now that I know both of them, I can tell you that many things I’ve heard aren’t all that true. You have to know the animal to find out things for yourself.

I can’t say as to who is the best, cause both cats & dogs are lovable & loyal. I have never met a selfish cat in my entire life. I just can’t understand as to why & how people abuse dogs & cats.

Whenever I look at my dog, he starts wagging his tail. He’s so happy to see me every time. Moreover, the stray dogs I know are ever excited & happy to meet me. Even the stray cats I’m friends with & my own cats are smart creatures & they are invariably pleased to meet me otherwise why would they talk to me. And sorry I can’t use ‘it’ for an animal. It just seems rude. I also think cats & dogs have better personalities than humans & I've never met an animal who is fake & we can't say this thing about humans :P