2 teenagers tricked a 15 year old in believing that she has an online boyfriend who later on committed suicide & they blamed the girl for this unreal death. They also created a bogus tribute page ‘RIP Jaydon Rothwell’ where 2000 people posted comments. They all were blaming this particular teenager. In fact she had been receiving threats till the police intervened & discovered that it was a bloody hoax. This happened in Britain. Had it been some other place like Pakistan, no one would ever get to know the real story.
These 2 girls had a row with the victim & they decided to create a fake account by the name of Jaydon Rothwell on FB.
However, when police checked the records of sudden deaths, it was found that no one ever existed by that name. We often hear about all kinds of cyber-bullying but this case is of course one of its kind. Those 2 girls even arranged a boy to meet that girl once. They even kissed each other & she really thought it was something special between the 2 of them. Then one day another girl scribbled a flirtatious wall on that fake Jaydon Rothwell page & naturally his gf dumped him. Very soon she got the news that Jaydon committed suicide as she dumped him. Those 2000 members were also pissed off. She received threatening calls & messages from people who believed it was true. Anyhow this hoax began in December & lasted for 3 months.
According to the bogus tribute page, Jaydon took a lethal cocktail of drink and drugs after his girlfriend accused him of being unfaithful.
The girl said: ‘I was grieving for someone who wasn’t real and felt I had been so gullible.’ Moreover her mother added: ‘This has been a threatening campaign against her just for their amusement and has wasted a lot of police time.’
Sergeant Paul Schofield, of Lancashire Police, said: ‘When all is said and done this is online bullying.
‘This could have been so much worse because there was a real possibility she could haves reacted to the news of his suicide. Social networking is a fantastic tool, but can be misused by a small percentage of people.’
It’s sickening to know that teenagers are hatching such ugly plots but this is human nature. Cyberbullying is nothing new. Although the net has been a great tool but some psychotic people will always abuse it. I believe on FB, it is still easier to protect yourself if you change the setting whereas on orkut, anyone could send you abusive scraps cause your scraps were open to all for a long time. Most of us left it, cause it was really annoying & some people just don’t have lives. They enjoy harassing people & the internet is the best place for them, cause they won’t ever be discovered particularly in Pakistan. Moreover, romance in real life can be so deceiving & the idea of one on FB is more of a joke.