Researches have found the happiest man of United States. He is 65 year old Alvin Wong. Alvin is a married Chinese-American, Kosher observing Jew who lives in Hawaii.
Alvin was contacted after three years of a Gallup Well Being index survey asking Americans about their emotional status, job satisfaction, health, stress, diet, food intake and many other indicators of well being.
Alvin Wong's profile and characteristics were almost perfect enough to consider him as the happiest man of America. First things first, he lives in Honolulu, Hawaii, the happiest state of America. Apart from that, his over all personality and traits such as his height (5 ft 10 inches), his age (65 years) and his over all wealth ($120,000 a year) are quite significant in making him stay happy. Alvin is a healthy and happy man with no stress levels as he earns quite well by running his own health company business.
Alvin says if you can't laugh at yourself, life is going to be pretty terrible for you.
Anyhow, this has a lot to do with the over all conditions. Where people reside plays a key role. The richer more beautiful states had happier people while states such as Mississippi, Alabama, West Virginia and Kentucky had people that were quite sad, emotionally stressed out with terrible health.
An interesting insight though is that happiness begins at the age of 50 for both men and women as per the study done by Stony Brook University, New York. This study states that stress levels, anger and anxiety fade as you turn 50 years old.