A Northwestern University professor - J. Michael Bailey has apologized on Saturday for a live sex demonstration on campus last month in his sexuality course for more than 100 students.
He said that he would not have any such demonstration for education but he would definitely give an F to students who disapproved of this live sex demonstration as they were unable to give any solid reasoning for their disapproval as yet. He said that students passed comments like "went too far", "was inappropriate" or "was troubling". These statements are not logical enough an explanation according to Bailey.
Bailey has been under trouble since Feb 21st when the news became public. More than 100 students from his human sexuality class watched this optional, after class demonstration in which a woman got undressed, laid down on a towel and allowed her fiance to penetrate her with a device that looked like a machine powered saw but with a phallic object attached instead of a blade. The purpose was to study and discuss kinky sex and female orgasms.
Bailey is sorry that the university's reputation suffered because of this event. He taught for 18 years but never had any such demonstrations before nor will he conduct anything of the sort in the future. Though even in his apology statement he did defend the demonstration because he felt it was relevant to the topic in his course.
In fact he said that his students were older than 18 years and were legally old enough for voting, enlisting in military and consuming pornography. Well too bad for Mr. Bailey...perhaps he should have informed the university before hand if he was planning to do a practical demonstration for his students.