Arun Nayar is going out with a 25 year old model Kim Johnson. And the absurd report is basically about the never-ending grin. If you actually give a fuck, he couldn’t stop smiling on his date :P They have been dating for several weeks now.
Some people move on so quickly & some never even take a break. For example, Kareena Kapoor & personally I know someone who is a magnet or something. He’s never single; in fact there are always 3 to 4 girls & everyone believes she’s the one, I guess. I wonder how does he manage, cause it can be extremely difficult to take care of just one.
I don’t think anyone can forget how Liz Hurley used to scribble everything on Twitter. It started off with this tweet: ‘For the record, my husband Arun & I separated a few months ago. Our close family & friends were aware of this.’ And this went on & on till it was unbearable for all of us.
Anyhow, Arun & Liz split up last year. She was also spotted kissing Shane Warne, but this affair didn’t last too long as Shane Warne was cheating on her all along & that too with a porn star.