I went through this amazing article but unfortunately not much has been explained & I believe not much can be done either.
The important question that has been raised is: Why would these men risk everything to satisfy their urges? I believe the answer could be provided by those who are addicted but then we don’t have very honest people, to begin with. Moreover, they say the line between morality & disease has always been blurry. There have been other pertinent questions such as: at what point do partners in a healthy relationship become too focused on sex? And what constitutes too little sex? And some people even think that little is too much. The definition of wild has been invariably different from person to person. What is wild may not be unhealthy.
Even if they would call it a disorder, it may not solve the problem. Many think that it’s the internet which has caused all the trouble. People now indulge in forbidden acts (which include unhealthy behaviors and extreme desires). I really don’t believe in this crap that the net is responsible for extreme desires. People were not angels before the arrival of the net.
Antihormone drugs could help but it’s not healthy. The side-effects are too bad. It results in chemical castration. Now that cannot be recommended unless you’re a sexual offender of highest order. Total abstinence is also not possible. Plus there are all kinds of people. Some desire too much & some are content with nothing. Some people just go on blabbing & they think it’s so sexy. Some people have excessive desires & they just can’t help it. Moreover, you have to face your demons…you have to cross the boundaries to know yourself. How can you possibly draw the line? What is sexy for one person maybe sickening for another? There is not one answer.
Sex addict meetings are also quite awkward. It’s difficult for people to express themselves. Most of them have lost spouses & jobs.
Science also doesn’t have any clear cut answer cause the brain chemistry of sex addiction is not well understood.
“Your sexuality — your orientation, your level of desire, what you consider romantic satisfaction (orgasm, love, validation, all of the above) — is a complex amalgam that involves your brain's hormonal system, its frontal-lobe reward system and its limbic system, which controls mood. Genes regulate these neural pathways, meaning that sexuality is partly heritable, but the environment in which you develop sexually can affect how those genes are expressed.”
If you inherit something not healthy, how can Science help? And yeah if you are surrounded by sexual maniacs & perverts, naturally you would find everything okay & you may find those who are not like you totally impotent & cold potatoes. And how can you help when people are not willing to speak where they are supposed to talk about their problem?
I once read this article in which women said that they don’t mind having sex with their guy friends when they are down; they just have it out of sympathy. Even this sounds weird. Some people also say that talking cannot help; in fact it aggravates the problem, cause when they express themselves, their partners don’t like it.
I believe there is no clear cut solution but it’s always fun to read such write-ups.We can't say if it's a disease or an excuse...you should find your match. There are all kinds of people in this world, after all.