This has been an amazing story. Pamela Butler’s daughter Nichola was not medically able to give birth, which is why her mom became the oldest surrogate mother in Britain. She is 57 year old.
Pamela gave birth to a healthy 5lb 12oz Josef by Caesarean section in August. And Josef is a very cute boy.
Although Mrs Butler was worried about her age but she wanted to help out her daughter.
‘It was the greatest gift I could have given her. It’s wonderful to watch her being a mum now. The doctors were wonderful and very reassuring. Luckily it was an easy pregnancy and it was the most wonderful moment when Nichola held her son for the first time. It didn’t feel like he was my baby but it was just that I was carrying him for Nichola. I babysit for him sometimes and he’s just a wonderful little lad.’
The risk for pregnancy increases with age. If you’re 35 or above, then you must decide carefully to become a surrogate mother. Anyway, this must have been a miracle for Nichola & her husband. The couple went through 4 fertility treatment, cause 3 times it just failed.
Nichola knew that she would not be able to become pregnant as her womb didn’t develop properly. At 1st she & her husband thought of adoption but then they decided on surrogacy.
Earlier this month, a court issued a parental order legally recognizing Mr and Mrs Pagett as Josef’s parents, as in England and Wales, at the moment of the child’s birth, the surrogate mother is also the legal mother.
I think this story is a ray of hope for all those people who don’t have kids. The desire to have kids is very natural. It doesn’t matter if you’re a fan of kids or not. Having your own child is a different thing. I think Nichola is one lucky woman & her mom made her dream come true. What more could you ask for!