Friday, June 22, 2012


Well Julie has been doing good. She has shown remarkable improvement just in few days. I’m amazed that she let us put leash on her. She also doesn’t harm any cat or bunny in the house. She also doesn’t have any problem with my dog. In fact she stays in the house for at least 12 – 15 hours, which is commendable as you know she’s stray. I’ve always admired freedom of animals, but time & again, I’ve seen that strays too want to be adopted.

Z & I wouldn’t mind adopting her. In fact my mom was saying the other day that Julie herself has adopted us. Dogs are really intelligent, smart creatures. Julie co-operates with us. She tries to make everything easy for us.

We have also noticed that now she sometimes behaves like a puppy. What’s clear is that it’s not just humans, even animals want to have a good & peaceful childhood. 

I’ll keep you updated. The only thing that bothers me is the idiotic killing in posh areas. 

I’ve also learnt that animal shelters all over the world are just useless. Here we have shelters just in name where they don’t even give food to animals. Thank God Julie has recovered much from that trauma! I’ve written a zillion times about high kill shelters & you all know what I think about them. Many a times, I post about animals who are being abused/surrendered by their own damn owners & what makes all of it even more hideous is the fact they are on death row. People just fix the blame but they forget to notice that these animals are still suffering. Being on death row means they have very few days. In some cases, it’s just three days & how long does it take for three days to pass? They have very slim chance of getting out alive. Instead of having never-ending discussion in which people are just fixing the blame & talking about nemesis, retribution etc, they need to use share button…that could actually help the animal. 

Over here, people just don’t get tired of calling dogs impure. They never have a good look at themselves & they also don’t have time to assess their own dirty minds. And some people suggest the idea of putting pet cats in sack or huge bag & throw them. You see everyone is so damn creative. 

Yesterday I was literally shocked to read that orangutans are trained as sex slaves in Indonesia. They throw infants in gutters, rape & torture animals, & stoop down as low as possible whenever & wherever they can. Still they have the audacity to call innocent animals impure.