Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Tonight it dawned upon me...that it is about time that N and myself should start using R.I.P. after our names. It is not that surprising actually, especially for those of you who know the history well. Sadly, not many remember the past.

The story goes that we practically died some 20 years ago. The cause of death is still unknown. However, our thick blood, kith and kin and whoever else can be part of the clan broke the news for us in the most spectacularly clear manner that they could.

But rebellious or naive as we were as we never accepted the truth. We fought against the odds. Our battle was against our very own self and thus the only ones who got hurt was us.

Anyway, it is with great pleasure and satisfaction that I now proudly announce today that the two of us have finally learnt to accept our fate and our reality.

Now we shall be at peace - R.I.P. 

The only twist in our case is that apart from being permanently dead and gone please be careful that our Return Is Possible (R.I.P.).

I hope many will be happy to know we are finally gone :) 

Signed Off With Eternally Blessed Ink