Sunday, June 24, 2012

Some women still miss old-fashioned male chivalry even today

One such woman is actress Michelle Dockery who is playing Lady Mary Crawley in Downton Abbey. She believes modern men have lost some of the most appealing aspects of their personalities & I totally agree with her. We may have progressed outwardly but we have lost a lot on the way. It’s true ‘chivalry’ & ‘good manners’ are two traits, which are totally missing. In fact the noble qualities such as courage & honor too are somehow disappearing. No one wants to help out the weak. It goes for both men & women. And forget about protecting women & the weak in this age. You’d be mad to yearn for that kind of man or a woman who could behave as a woman. This age is all about equality, but during this struggle, noble qualities in a person has vanished. Even when we talk about equality, we miss out gays, bisexuals, blacks, Asians, Muslims, animals, atheists, etc. Some people are just more equal & the story ends there. 

When asked how Michelle Dockery thought the role of women had changed since the days of Downton, set during the First World War, she told the Radio Times: 

 “We take so many of our freedoms for granted nowadays. I can travel where I like, I can have a baby when I like, I can do any job I want – but I do think chivalry has been lost a little bit.” 

“Those old manners – such as men standing when women arrive at the dinner table or opening doors for you – are lovely, and it’s lovely when you see a man doing that today. But young men wouldn’t think about that for a second because it’s not the culture anymore.” 

I don’t think it’s little bit. I would say it’s completely missing. No one has time to help out the weak or even think about protecting women. Some people also do not know what is freedom even today. Now that is disparity. I don’t even think they can even understand as to what we are blabbing about. So far as the protection of women is concerned, in many cases, immediate family members also don’t have time to protect their own daughters & sisters, to begin with. They want you to earn as it is something in fashion or whatever. Since everyone works, you must also work. That’s the logic. I personally know females who work & they don’t want to work owing to a variety of reason, but they have to support families & they are being pressurized to work like mad. No one respects them as such. So I don’t know what kind of equality we are running after. If a woman is harassed or sexually abused at the work place, people start pointing out towards her character…That in a way she must have provoked the man. Which is why I’m sorry I don’t get when people talk about equality & that a woman becomes a strong individual when she works. Even though at home her brother or husband is there to beat the shit out of her. That’s how strong some women are. 

It’s true now men don’t open doors or stand when a woman arrives. I think we are all quite used to it. And yes I agree it’s not the culture anymore. But it would be really nice to meet a gentleman. 

I think the only gentleman I ever knew was a friend of my mom Professor Rafat Karam. He was also my teacher at the uni. I don’t know any other gentleman & it’s saddening that even he is dead. 

Today men don’t even think twice before insulting a woman. Jeering at a woman along with crappy people, (which is but mental torture & emotional abuse )is the easiest thing. They don’t even mind slapping her, if they could in some cases. It’s just that they don’t get a chance & those who do make sure they beat the shit out of a woman. Anyhow, they manage to emotionally abuse a woman as much as they can. When you want to do a wrong deed, you would have thousands of supporters. 

Respect is essential for a woman but sorry no one has time to respect her anymore. It’s even more difficult to respect a woman who has certain values & principles. Anyhow, I think that chivalry is almost dying, cause women also don’t behave as women anymore. Lady-like thing too has disappeared. Naturally men have no time for chivalry either. It’s just bad for those who are still old-fashioned & believe in certain principles which mean nothing to both men & women. In fact people just laugh at us for believing in the impossible in this age. Unfortunately people have become selfish & insensitive. The only thing that matters now is money. Naturally when everything ends in materialism, you can’t expect much. I suppose a time will come when we will also stop lamenting. 

One would definitely respect a man who'd be sensitive enough to think about others. I don't think your ego is damaged when you go out of your way & does something for another being. It makes one a better individual. And anyone who takes that person for granted is a fool but nevertheless things have deteriorated & altered badly. You can't just blame men for it. I believe both men & women are responsible for this mess.

It's difficult for me to get the example of Adam & Even out of my mind. It's the most beautiful example. Woman was created as a companion for man...she wasn't meant to be his slave. But God knows what went wrong.