Friday, June 15, 2012

When you’re hurt yourself, you know the story damn well

Beyond any reasonable doubt, everything we read or see is not worth wasting your time, but sometimes one can’t help pondering over such meaningless things. The other day I read this & it kind of bothers me, so I need to do a bit of dissection: 

“Unfaithful! What an absurd word – a concept, not the description of an act. Yet it’s the concept that does the hurting, not the deed itself. Does infidelity as such matter?” 

Fay Weldon 

Somehow I just can’t agree with it. I don’t think it’s the concept that hurts, it’s the deed itself. Anyone who has been stabbed by a loved one would know. Who cares how people describe this act as! Does it even matter when you’re hurt? But I suppose infidelity or even disloyalty of any kind matters. It matters to the person who has been cheated. His/her trust is crumpled for a long time & in some cases, people never trust again. Only a very insensitive person could say that infidelity somehow doesn’t matter as such.

Cheating is not an accident. You don’t suddenly meet a dick or vagina just like that. Maybe while the person is cheating, it doesn’t mean anything to him/her, but it would be a totally different story for his partner. And when you’re hurt, you have no time to find out the difference between the concept or deed. 

And it’s not just about loved ones…even friends & family cheat on you. What I find weird is that they put a huge question mark on the sincerity of very loyal people. Mostly, those people don’t even know you that well but they can’t help judging you. Just because sluttish women have been sleeping with them, they think every woman is like that & they won’t have any problem stealing their friend’s girl too. It’s really a very strange & dirty world. Loyalty & sincerity are rare qualities. And even today everyone cannot be bought.

I’m also amazed to know people who call themselves easy & it’s the opinion of people that matter to them. Even if you are easy & things happen all of a sudden, I don’t think you should label yourself as someone easily available. A guy was unfaithful & the girl is still blaming herself for being the black sheep – that is absurd. At the same I feel sorry for those who regret being nice & kind to others as they have been used & they are still badly hurt.

I too was loyal to the wrong kind of people & I don’t regret that. Why should I? It’s certainly not my loss. I didn’t like what I learnt at that time but it has surely helped me to grow as a person. Moreover, I think it’s what you think about yourself that matters & now what others are saying about you. And I don’t think unfaithful is an absurd word. It’s a word that opens your eyes to reality. It’s a word that helps you to grow. It’s the kind of word that makes your more mature.