Monday, March 26, 2012

Jenna Talackova disqualified from pageant

The Miss Universe Canada organizers disqualified 23-year-old finalist Jenna Talackova & this has been quite a discriminatory move. The reason given is that Jenna didn’t meet the necessary requirements. She was born male & had sex reassignment surgery in 2010. Now her profile has disappeared from the official page.

In a YouTube video, Talackova describes having identified as a girl since age 4, starting hormone therapy at 14, and undergoing sexual reassignment surgery at 19. She says she regards herself as “a woman with a history”.

Again it’s nothing but sheer discrimination on the part of some people who just can’t stand certain things. They are such closed minds & hypocrites.

As CTV News explains:

“The Miss Universe Canada application indicates contestants must be Canadian citizens between the ages of 18 and 27 to compete. It says nothing about having undergone cosmetic surgery.”

They need to insert now that they won’t allow anyone ever having transgender status. Throwing out a person just because she went through a surgery to become a woman only highlights how backward humans are. She reached the finals & then she was banned.

"I'm disqualified, however I'm not giving up," tweeted Talackova, who later locked her Twitter account.

"I'm not going to just let them disqualify me over discrimination."

She added that she had been "disqualified for being born.".

It’s hard to believe that it’s 2012 but we still live in the Dark ages.

Henrik Ibsen was so right when he said, “We are sailing with a corpse in the cargo.”

Nothing has changed. We judge & look down on others. Check out the video with an open mind & you would realize that transgenders are people just like you & me. It’s another thing they went through surgeries. But I do not like the man who took the interview. He seemed more of a jerk.