Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Why do people hate you?

This is so very true.

They either see you as a threat. They hate themselves. Or they want to be you.
Sometimes it’s so difficult to face this kind of situation in which people hate you & you don’t even understand why in the world they have issues with you. It seems unreasonable. We get negative vibes from such individuals & many a times, you could feel they won’t even think twice before harming you.

I really do not know how do people waste so much time on negative emotions, but they do. Sometimes it’s not even their business but they have to butt in & tell you how important they are. Actually these individuals are jealous of you. There could be no other reason as to why they hate you so much. They want you out of the picture.

Few months ago, I had the misfortune to come across some females, thanks to my crush. It was obvious they didn’t like me. I did mention one in my write-up yesterday - The woman who is dying to take off her clothes at every opportunity. Honestly, I didn’t even want to notice such things as naked woman or servant woman or sluttish woman or whatever. But I had to endure this shit, cause of a guy who treated me unfairly all long. It’s amusing now he wants me to clean up the mess for him. It was okay to hurt me. It was okay to use so many strange women just to prove nothing. I don’t know what kind of skeletons he has got in his closet. If people have betrayed & hurt him in the past, it’s not my fault. But he took it out on me & just come to think of it, he just doesn’t hate me.

There are a couple of other examples too. I have observed that usually such people have low self-esteem & they try very hard to tell you that you have faults & you are not good enough. They just need an opportunity to jeer at you. Even though we don’t need their approval, but they believe otherwise I suppose. I really have no clue as to what goes inside such heads.

One person who badly hates me for some unknown reason is the guy who has been cyber-bullying me for almost 7 years.

I’m also related to someone who hates me the most & I actually feel sorry for her. She has wasted her entire life hating me & creating hurdles in my way. What’s the point?
I know God will protect me & I know that He will show me the right path. Hating anyone can never solve any problem but that too is a choice.