Thursday, March 22, 2012

Marston Hefner Sentenced for just 52-weeks

I’m sure you guys remember the son of Hugh Hefner. The one who kicked & punched his girlfriend Clair Sinclair. He has been sentenced to 52 week domestic violence programme. Moreover the judge has ordered him to stay from Playmate girlfriend. And he could get away with punishment as Sinclair said she won’t press charges against him if he publicly apologizes & seeks treatment.

I don’t think he needs to apologize. He has no respect for women & one shouldn’t even expect the impossible out of him. Women are just commodities that can be bought & then thrown away quite easily. That’s what he has seen. Clair Sinclair herself is one such commodity, in his eyes.

He’s such a creepy looking guy. Only women who are running after money & name would go out with something so obnoxious.

While I was trying to understand trash elsewhere, I discovered this exotic approach that slutty, trashy women have towards rich guys. It’s something like this: ‘A rich guy happens to be the last man on this planet.’ It’s just that every rich man is the last guy. And they are willing to do anything for him. We are so sorry that Sinclair got kicked & punched in the process.