Monday, January 23, 2012

Max Irons

Max Irons is none other than the son of Jeremy Irons & I’m sure there would be too much expectation of him. After all, Jeremy Irons is one of the best actors. Anyhow, Max is 26 year old. He has done modeling before. And this particular campaign with Macy’s INC men’s will go public today.

“It’s an experience,” Max Irons said of his modeling work. “I enjoy being an actor. From what I understand being a model is a hard business, whereas acting is so much fun for me. It’s creative, you’re working with people who have a similar mindset.”

His new flick The Host is about aliens invading Earth & taking over human’s bodies & minds & it will hit the theatre in 2013. He was voted number 2 out of 10 Best New Actors In Hollywood Revealed by the News Junky Journal in 2011. I haven’t seen Red Riding Hood, so I can’t say anything about his acting skill. The Host doesn’t sound all that interesting to me. And as a model, I think Max Irons is just okay.