Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Truck full of dogs caught by the police & animal lovers

A truck full of dogs which was bound for Chinese restaurants was intercepted by highway police & animal rescue volunteers in Chongqing, south-west China. Although the dog peddler said that his truck was loaded with just 700 dogs but there were around 1,500 dogs all crammed together in tiny cages & that speaks volumes about the cruelty. They couldn’t stand; they were deprived of food & water. Some of the dogs were already dead. And those who were alive couldn’t even make much sound as they were so weak.

This is the height of cruelty & I’m not saying as an animal lover. I’m saying it as a citizen of this corrupt world. How would humans feel if they would be crammed in cages or rooms where they can’t move an inch? Honestly, I can’t see the point of eating cats & dogs. Skinning them alive, so that meat may taste good – it’s all sickening. Are we running short of food? And if so, when all animals would be dead, are we going to eat humans?

Btw, eleven countries around the globe still eat dog meat. They are: China, Indonesia, Korea, Mexico, Philippines, Polynesia, Taiwan, Vietnam, the Arctic and Antarctic and two cantons in Switzerland.