Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Real life 40 year old virgin (2)

Yes I’m not done with this topic as yet. In fact it’s not just aged virgins, I have been thinking about several other cases which are taken quite badly. Well we must give points to Charlotte Baird for being so open about everything. I think it’s not that easy to tell a guy (particularly if you like him) that you have not slept or kissed anyone in your life. I don’t know if Charlotte ever liked anyone but I had something else in my mind.

Moreover, people have a habit of judging everyone. They don’t spare anyone. A person having a bohemian lifestyle is bad, a virgin is nothing but a loser & promiscuous individual is the worst target.

I personally know two very decent ladies who are in their 50s & they are still single. They are both simple & nice humans but no one mentions their good qualities. Whenever people talk about them, it’s their single status which bothers people & how sorry they are for the two families. And I also know some really low beings who even make fun of them.

I once wrote a blog post on an 80 year old woman who got married to someone younger than her & everyone as usual had issues with this marriage. I believe people have the right to marry at any age. It’s okay if a 70 or 80 year old man marries a 20 year old but women shouldn’t think about marriage once they are 30 or 40.

I’ve seen some people have very myopic views. According to them, everything a woman does is desperate. It’s a desperate attempt on the part of the woman if she expresses her feelings to someone. It’s desperate on the part of a 40 year old woman if she ties the knot. Even if a woman marries a guy who’s already married, everyone just thinks badly of her. And those who are judging them are actually married & not just that, they are also having marital affairs, but it’s okay. They have the right to judge everyone. I, for my part, have never been able to understand the logic behind absurd things.

In many instances, girls make mistakes cause they are sincere & later on, they are being discarded very conveniently. I think when you are young, you can make this kind of mistake. It’s much easier for women in 30s & 40s to deal with men but I don’t think it’s so with a teenager or someone in her early 20s. You can’t be prudent at a young age. It takes time to learn things.

Many a times we think we like a person but actually it’s nothing like that; it’s just a mistake. I guess the right person wouldn’t have much problem if you’ve ever kissed or even make out with anyone or not. Speaking of which reminds me of another case in which the guy claimed to be not all that experienced but his girlfriend had a couple of affairs & he felt really bad about it as he wanted to experience everything with her & he just didn’t like the fact that she was being touched by so many.

And last but not least, nature treats everyone in the same way. It doesn’t discriminate against virgins or promiscuous beings. It’s the world which loves to impose their bizarre views & ugly norms on people all the time.

Anyhow, we live once, so I’d say take a chance rather than waiting for the impossible to happen.