Monday, January 23, 2012

The ultimate cat scan!

Wendy Humphreys, 52, of Wroughton claims her pet cat Fidge saved her life by alerting her to her breast cancer.

Wendy had a cancerous pea-sized lump in her breast, which would have killed her if left undiagnosed. She has gone through months of chemotherapy and will have a mastectomy to remove the breast at the end of March.

Wendy said: 'I just couldn't believe it because I didn't think cats were capable of that - I thought it was only dogs. Dogs can diagnose epilepsy and can tell when someone's going to have a fit.'

Moreover Wendy said: 'She kept coming and sitting on my right breast when I was lying on the settee. She would jump onto it every night for a fortnight. I went to see my GP because I thought it was bruised. It just hurt and I didn't think anything else could be wrong.'

Fidge is just ten months old now & she was 8 weeks old when Wendy adopted her. No doubt Fidge is such a cute life-saver. Who wouldn’t want that kind of life-saver!

I think this is a wonderful story. Animals try to alert their owners in every odd & dangerous situation. Moreover, cats are amazing creatures although some people still believe they are selfish beings, which is far from truth. They could sense when you are down & they won’t leave you alone at that time.

Eleven years ago when I had my near death experience, 5 of my cats didn’t leave me while I was recovering. It was that year when I decided I must do something for strays rather than doing what everyone else wanted me to do. I have no regret whatsoever for making this choice. In fact whenever I’m ill, one of my cats is always with me. They are indeed very loyal.


The ultimate cat scan