Thursday, December 15, 2011

Daphne Guinness Uses Nail Polish For Lipstick

This is by far one of the weirdest beauty tips. Naturally the question pops up: How could you do this to yourself?

Anyhow, Daphne has an answer to that.

“Sometimes I use paint. Yesterday I was using nail polish as lipstick. It's just experiment after experiment. I'll mix one with another one to try to find the ones that I like. What was really great is the mascara I like using is MAC mascara, so that was a no-brainer for me. To me, I need to feel connected with the actual texture of something. It's different for everybody, different people connect with different things. Last week I was looking for something -- I swear I ran to about 60 places trying to find something. It becomes very specific, and you're always on the lookout for something that's just going to add something."

She also said: "The thing about me is: I identify with fashion but I don't actually consider myself a fashion person.”

These are some experiments. I guess most of us won’t even dare to use nail polish as lipstick even if someone pays for it. Doesn’t Daphne know it’s harmful to apply nail polish on your skin? Or maybe trying out experiments of this kind is more sexy, or weird or something I don’t know? Or maybe she wanted us to notice her lips. However, make up is supposed to enhance your beauty. It’s not supposed to make you look all the more cunning. No wonder Daphne doesn’t consider herself as a fashion person but identifying with it has turned out to be surely amusing for all of us.