Sunday, December 18, 2011

The story of Bucky

Well this is another story of a dog who had been killed by none other than police officer & that makes it more sickening than anything. People who are supposed to protect are the ones shooting & killing.

This incident happened on October 4th. Bucky was a beloved Basset Hound/Rottweiler mix& he was a therapeutic dog for an autistic child in the family. He was shot and killed by an Arlington, TX police officer.

Bucky became upset with the way the strangers were talking to his guardian. Most family dogs will do that very same thing in the presence of any stranger on their property. And what he did was nothing wrong. He was barking & jumping. Any dog will bark if he suspects you’re some kind of harm or threat to his owner. But the officer couldn’t take it. He shot him 5 times in front of the kids just because Bucky was ‘barking & dancing around’. In fact when he pulled the gun, he shot him twice but that was not enough; it was followed by 3 more shots. This is clearly the height of cruelty. It wasn’t required.

Bucky was therapeutic dog for the Yandles' autistic child. These animals provide the contact with the outside world that is many times otherwise lost to an autistic child. Now, this little boy has lost that contact and his very best friend; murdered right in front of his eyes. Mrs. Yandle is quoted as saying:

"Bucky was my autistic sons theraputic (sic) dog and his best friend! My son could not even sleep through the night without this dog!"

This particular officer needs to be terminated. If a civilian citizen had shot the dog for jumping around and barking, he would be in jail waiting for trial.

No one is above the law. This officer needs to be punished. Killing an innocent animal is not right under any situation. Bucky never attacked anyone. He was barking just like any other pet who might have done the same thing. This could have been anyone’s dog. And just imagine how the child is living without Bucky. Death of a pet is never an easy thing but here Bucky was murdered in broad day light. This is something horrible…we wouldn’t even want this kind of thing to happen to an enemy. We want justice for Bucky & we need you to support us.

Please sign & share the petition. Thank you!
