Thursday, December 22, 2011

Murder case of disabled sisters solved

Three disabled sisters were found dead in the pond of their own home 2 months ago. It was reported that they went to wash themselves & all three of them drowned. The case has now been solved. The father has confessed that he killed his own daughters & he might have raped 2 of them under the influence of drugs. All along the father pretended he did not know anything, so the revelation has come as a shock.

The three girls were killed when their mother & brother were not at home. The postmortem report of the two sisters also declared that they had been raped before they were murdered. Sumaira was 16, Uzma 11 & the youngest one Nisha was just 8 year old.

Sheikh Muhammad confessed his crime once he was remanded. On October 15, Sumaira & Uzma expelled fasces in the room & that was the reason that really made the father angry. He got sleeping pills from the medical store & mixed that in Haleem (the girls specifically asked for it). Once they were unconscious, he drowned all of them in the pool of water, which was not even that deep. However, he said that he didn’t remember raping his daughters. Since he’s a drug addict, he might have raped them under the influence. He pretends that he doesn’t remember that part.

I remember when the girls were drowned in that pool, the father said he was worried as to who would have married his disabled daughters. What a bastard to have for a father! He pretended in front of the world that he was worried about the well being of his children, but he didn’t have any problem sexually assaulting them & then closing the chapter forever. What a shameless one will marry my disabled daughters, so I might as well rape them myself! This case was dubious right from the beginning. I don’t know why they essentially excluded him from investigation but later on, they took his DNA to expedite the case.

A case (371/11) had been registered whereas legal proceedings are now underway against the accused.

Few days ago, I read about this father in Saudi Arabia who raped his daughter for 7 years under the influence of drugs. However, there is no justification for sexually abusing your kids while you’re totally lost in the world of drugs. A crime remains a crime whether you’re intoxicated or not. Usually they fix the blame on females. It’s so easy to paint them as one having loose character but in this case, at least justice prevailed & the father was sentenced to receive 2080 lashes & 13 years in prison. In fact he will receive lashes in stages throughout his prison sentence. It serves him right.

And I do hope that Sheikh Muhammad also gets the kind of punishment that he deserves. A father is supposed to protect his children, not to rape & kill them. There’s one thing I could never understand – why do such people have kids in the 1st place?