Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Little girl beaten up by a 2 year old nicknamed Chucky

It has been reported that Katie Ann Guttridge, aged 3 was beaten ‘black and blue’ by this particular out-of-control 2 year old girl who is nicknamed Chucky. Now Katie is scared to go to school. She’s even scared to be around other kids. She had to be taken to the hospital after the attack. And this was not the first time she has beaten up Katie. She has attacked Katie on four separate occasions. Moreover, she has assaulted 10 more children at the Ratby pre-school nursery but so far no action has been taken against this kid.

Parents have been complaining but Chucky hasn’t been expelled. It’s obvious the girl has a history of beating up kids. She seems totally out-of-control. What I find scary is the fact that she’s only 2 year old. What would she do later on? However, police were called to investigate about the assault but they couldn’t do anything either as she’s below the age of criminal responsibility.

The father of Katie Mr. Guttridge said: 'I was horrified that my daughter has been exposed to such violence in a place which should be safe. I understand the police can't do anything because of the girl's age but the nursery should expel her.' The nursery has around 26 children aged between two and four years old & besides Katie’s parents even other parents want this girl to be removed as she seems to be a constant threat to other kids.

Clara Mackow (the mother) is now preparing to take legal action against the nursery claiming negligence. As no one was around when this incident happened but Katie says when she was beaten up, other kids backed up Chucky.

‘I am not doing this for the money, I just want parents to be aware that when they drop their children at nursery or pre-school they should not blindly believe they will be safe,’ said Clara.

Another mother, whose son was also beaten up by the girl, said: 'The little girl is a nightmare. If there's a child who has been hurt the other mums and dads always say "has Chucky been at it again? It's no laughing matter for the kids though, they are terrified of this little girl who has a really vicious streak…She's terrorizing the other kids and the staff don't lift a finger to stop her.'

I seriously wonder how the story of this Chucky will end. Or maybe just like violent Chucky in Child’s Play, she will go on terrorizing kids forever. As I see it, this child has serious issues. I don’t think they can treat her at any stage. She’s born this way & she will, most probably, stay this way. Such kids never change. Perhaps scientists should study her brain. I know that sounds mean but we have a confirmed psycho here. And this one hurts so badly at the age of two. It’s a natural thing for her to go on hurting people. I’m so sorry to say but her real place is not pre-school; it’s actually mental asylum.
