It’s kind of funny if bloggers seriously believe they are writers & journalists. But more than that I guess it’s lack of education to take such things seriously. I think people are dumb & naïve if they are complaining about it. In these 4 years even I have observed people presume that you have created petitions that you share on the blog even though the link is very much there. I think it’s humanly impossible for me to be everywhere in the world where they are abusing animals & I can’t take photographs everywhere on this planet.
Even when you provide links of certain write-ups, they presume you have written that article. When you cover certain stories that are very much in, they all believe you are the one who is investigating & they throw stupid questions at you. Which proves people don’t have common sense, to begin with. In fact when I share links on twitter, some people tweet as if I have written the entire article. Reading really doesn’t help them cause nothing seems to cross their brain cells. It just seems they don’t have sense, if they can’t get it.
When we talk about some dirty story, we are considered dirty as well. When we talk about incest, they believe we are the ones who indulge in such acts. When we talk about rape & sexual harassment, again we are the victims. But when it’s about domestic abuse, a bold blogger can never be the victim, since it’s hard to presume. You can only beat the shit out of a weak individual. You know these are myths & if you don’t know that then maybe you live in another world.
Some of us have written books that are available online & that’s one of the reasons why we started blogging. It’s another thing if we are not famous. Some blogger haven’t written any book but they are original & good. Most importantly, they are readable, which is a rare thing. Some bloggers share their personal experiences. Some just share pictures & stories. And yes there are bloggers who just copy/paste stuff. You get to know that as well.
You get to know the difference between gathering information & acquiring knowledge through extensive reading. Original idea will stand out. That’s how it has always been. Now if you do not know all of this, it’s entirely your headache. You need to educate yourself rather than complain about what bloggers are thinking about themselves.
To me, blogging is just a hobby. I really don’t care if anyone takes me as a serious blogger. I also don’t give 2 fucks if they don’t regard me as a writer. All I know is that writing a book is a fun thing. Working as a ghost writer & copywriter was not that much fun. Blogging is a different kind of experience. When you read, you want to share stuff & there are times when you want to express yourself. Blogging makes it easier for you to express yourself & what’s wrong with that.
Everyone has the right to write. It’s another thing if they are good or bad or just cheaters. You don’t have to be a professional writer to snatch this right for yourself. The world of internet makes it possible for everyone who has ever dreamed of writing but couldn’t pursue owing to a variety of reasons. And people only read your blog, if you’re good at it. Btw, they don’t even read your draft/manuscript in real life, if you don’t have contacts. But fortunately today the net allows such writers to post their work online & through blogging, they can let more people know about their work.
Moreover, bloggers who think they are journalists need to know some real journalists. Believe me, after meeting 4 journalists, you would not ever want to deceive yourself. They are highly unimpressive. Anyway, this is my opinion (not a fact).
More importantly, it requires a lot of courage to speak the truth & yes you have to have a lot of courage to hear it as well. I don’t think everyone falls under this category but this is what’s required in anyone who scribbles anywhere.
Even when you provide links of certain write-ups, they presume you have written that article. When you cover certain stories that are very much in, they all believe you are the one who is investigating & they throw stupid questions at you. Which proves people don’t have common sense, to begin with. In fact when I share links on twitter, some people tweet as if I have written the entire article. Reading really doesn’t help them cause nothing seems to cross their brain cells. It just seems they don’t have sense, if they can’t get it.
When we talk about some dirty story, we are considered dirty as well. When we talk about incest, they believe we are the ones who indulge in such acts. When we talk about rape & sexual harassment, again we are the victims. But when it’s about domestic abuse, a bold blogger can never be the victim, since it’s hard to presume. You can only beat the shit out of a weak individual. You know these are myths & if you don’t know that then maybe you live in another world.
Some of us have written books that are available online & that’s one of the reasons why we started blogging. It’s another thing if we are not famous. Some blogger haven’t written any book but they are original & good. Most importantly, they are readable, which is a rare thing. Some bloggers share their personal experiences. Some just share pictures & stories. And yes there are bloggers who just copy/paste stuff. You get to know that as well.
You get to know the difference between gathering information & acquiring knowledge through extensive reading. Original idea will stand out. That’s how it has always been. Now if you do not know all of this, it’s entirely your headache. You need to educate yourself rather than complain about what bloggers are thinking about themselves.
To me, blogging is just a hobby. I really don’t care if anyone takes me as a serious blogger. I also don’t give 2 fucks if they don’t regard me as a writer. All I know is that writing a book is a fun thing. Working as a ghost writer & copywriter was not that much fun. Blogging is a different kind of experience. When you read, you want to share stuff & there are times when you want to express yourself. Blogging makes it easier for you to express yourself & what’s wrong with that.
Everyone has the right to write. It’s another thing if they are good or bad or just cheaters. You don’t have to be a professional writer to snatch this right for yourself. The world of internet makes it possible for everyone who has ever dreamed of writing but couldn’t pursue owing to a variety of reasons. And people only read your blog, if you’re good at it. Btw, they don’t even read your draft/manuscript in real life, if you don’t have contacts. But fortunately today the net allows such writers to post their work online & through blogging, they can let more people know about their work.
Moreover, bloggers who think they are journalists need to know some real journalists. Believe me, after meeting 4 journalists, you would not ever want to deceive yourself. They are highly unimpressive. Anyway, this is my opinion (not a fact).
More importantly, it requires a lot of courage to speak the truth & yes you have to have a lot of courage to hear it as well. I don’t think everyone falls under this category but this is what’s required in anyone who scribbles anywhere.