Friday, February 24, 2012

Kate Walsh on Shape Magazine

Kate Walsh has posed naked on the cover of Shape Magazine’s March issue. Although she’s 44 year old but she’s not at all scared to show some serious skin. I think I liked just two or maybe three people in Grey’s Anatomy & she was one of them.

Kate Walsh is not just pretty but she has class. Even while posing naked, she doesn’t look trashy.

And the reason why she posed naked is as follows:

“I was terrified, but I really wanted to do a naked cover - especially with Shape because the magazine is about loving yourself inside and out. Right now, I feel really healthy, confident, and sexy. I'm enjoying my 40's and wanted to share that.”

I guess 40 must be fun. Maybe they are right. Life begins at 40 but at the same time, someone very rightly said, what about those who die at the age of 39 or even earlier?

Kate is not in favor of cosmetic surgery & that is a sensible approach. I don’t know why people mess with what God has given them.

"Everyone has her line in the sand. I draw mine at facials and laser treatments," she said. "But if others want to go a step further, it's their call."

“We live in a strange time when getting plastic surgery is as common as dyeing your hair, but in my profession, I need a malleable face,” she added.

Most of you may not know but she’s actually a blonde. “I highlighted it to keep it blonde for a long time. And let me tell you, I got so much more attention from men.”

Anyway, the March issue will hit the newsstand on February 27.