Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Time Magazine’s Kim Jong-Un cover

This man was appointed the new ruler of North Korea after the death of his father Kim Jong Il last year.

Well I really don’t find anything incredible about this cover but he has been featured on the remarkable cover with his new nickname ‘Lil Kim’ & maybe this is the reason why some people are calling it incredibly clever.. Yes, the question: why is he called Lil Kim even though we can’t see anything little? I read somewhere that it’s referring to his little experience while being the leader of a nuclear nation. How rude!

“Lin’s a 10-day phenomenon,” said Time Managing Editor Rick Stengel. “I think the inside story of the untested leader of a nuclear power who could set off World War III is a little more important.”

Whatever it is…Couldn’t Kim Jong-Un smile a little? Why is he always so serious? Anyhow, there was just no need to call him Lil Kim. It seems the standard of Time magazine has gone down...really down! I stopped reading it long time ago.

Anyhow, do you like the cover as much as Time magazine wants us to like or rather ridicule it?