Saturday, February 25, 2012

Trailers of Snow White and the Huntsman, & Mirror Mirror

Well guys, I think Snow White & the Huntsman is a lot more better version. Charlize Theron & Chris Hemsworth have acted well. In fact Charlize Theron makes an awesome evil queen. Her dialogue delivery is so cool. I just hope Kristen Stewart instead of looking constipated 24/7 also can act. Anyhow, she's pretty.

So far as Mirror Mirror is concerned, they have tried to work on the humor. Julia Roberts looks extremely old & I don't want to say anything about Lily. Maybe she can act better than Kristen. Moreover, Julia Roberts doesn't seem that evil to me but she acts more like a bitch. I would like to watch Snow White & the Huntsman rather than Mirror Mirror. The prince has a nice voice though.