Friday, May 25, 2012

Men are 'more attracted towards women who act dumb'

It’s pretty hard to ignore something of the sort. Anyhow I’m not amazed to learn that men are pre-programmed to seek out women who act dumb as they make easier conquests, according to this study. They gave higher ratings to immature & unintelligent women. They also ranked these women as more attractive than those who were brainy. Although these studies are not all that authentic but we have seen that men are more comfortable with women who have got low IQ level. Naturally these women say yes to everything & even laugh at all their cheap jokes. 

I have also observed that men prefer to be surrounded by sycophants. Maybe they are not aware of it but deep down they love to be appreciated for everything & by everything, I mean everything. Even if you are crazy after someone, I don’t think it’s possible to like everything & then falsely praise the guy. Don’t you think it’s like the deceiving the person? 

However, they are not interested in pursuing long-term relationships with dumb women. It’s extremely impossible to understand men & what goes in that strange mind. This is really sickening that they don’t mind having fun with immature, unintelligent, dumb women. They even find them attractive while they are having fun, but they don’t want serious relationship with them. 

In fact I read similar kind of study few days ago also that highlighted the same thing that men don’t want to marry such dumb women. There have been numerous studies saying that men do get intimated by brainy & genuinely good-looking women also. I suppose when they are having sex with not so smart women, it’s more about satisfying their desire & need. It’s not love. Anyhow, men never confuse sex with love. Women do & that’s why they get hurt. 

Relationships expert Jean Hannah Edelstein said: "It's not a recipe for a happy relationship to select a partner based on what you perceive to be their inferiority." 

There is another study which says that in order to stay mentally happy, women need girlfriends as they can bitch & talk about anything with them. It helps in their mental health. Hanging out with friends is not wasting time, you are actually helping yourself & you stay healthy. But I was surprised to know that a man needs a woman to make him feel better & his mental health revolves more around one healthy relationship with a woman. 

I think men do get attracted by smart & good-looking women as well, but they are usually scared to talk to them. Those who only get attracted by dumb women must be dumb themselves. 
