Friday, May 11, 2012

The worth of life is even less than a penny

When I came online, I read two horrifying stories. In both the cases, children have been harmed by none other than their own parents. Some people can never value life & I’m amazed that they don’t know the worth of having a child. They just take children for granted. They have no clue what it’s like for those who can’t have babies. 

The 1st story is about a Malaysian woman who is 18 year old herself & has got a 10 month old baby girl. A video clip had been made by one of her pals in which she is repeatedly hitting, kicking & abusing the baby. This clip has disturbed lots of people. Frankly speaking, I don’t see the point of making videos instead of taking action at the right time. Her friend could have reported about this crazy woman without any evidence but nevertheless at least she did make the video & reported about it.

This 18 year old is not married. Now we don’t know as to how she conceived the baby & whatever the reason is…taking out your madness on a child is not right. Anyhow, this crazy woman has been convicted of child abuse and sentenced to 18 months in prison. They haven’t disclosed her bloody name. 

Those who have seen this disturbing video have left such comments: 

One user wrote:"I literally cried after watching this video.. Cant even imagine beating up any kid like she did."

“How can those other people in the room just stand by and watch this happen? That poor little baby just wants to be picked up and all she can do it continually beat it,” wrote another user. 

I haven’t seen this clip but one of my friends has & he too was in tears. I think the idea of beating the shit out of an innocent child is too much. I have said this a zillion times on my blog & I will say it again. I really don’t understand as to why such parents have kids. Fine. This woman is just 18 year old. She may have some history but she could have dropped the baby at any orphanage. There are still people who are willing to adopt. 

Now coming to the 2nd horrible story & it’s even more horrifying, cause the infant was being buried alive, but thank God she is alive. 

2 month old Radhika is recovering but she was buried alive by her own father & uncle. This happened in the state of UP & people over there are shocked. The reason why these 2 men were burying the baby is all the more annoying. They were making a sacrifice of Radhika to protect the health of their other children & this was suggested by some spiritual guru. How very illiterate are these people! They literally believe making this kind of sacrifice will help the other kids. How can they listen to this kind of crap without hitting these experts? 

Anyhow, both the men have been arrested & will be facing charges of attempted murder. However, the mother denies the accusation. 

Radhika has really been fortunate one as the caretaker at the graveyard suspected foul play & informed the police. However, this is not the only case. This crime is becoming way too common these days. 

"There were three similar stories in the past month alone," says Mohammad Naseem, a local journalist. 

"I've covered dozens of other cases just like this one. 

 "In almost all the cases it's due to poverty and illiteracy because of which people rely on superstition." 

And it’s not just in India, it’s happening everywhere. In both these stories, the children are alive. However in most cases, babies die & they don’t even become a number, cause no one gets to know about their very existence or their murder. 

I have often been bothered by questions such as: what’s the worth of a baby? And how cheap is life? We are a part of a very sick society. Parents who are supposed to protect their own children are the very people who harm them. What could be more disgusting that this? 
