Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Dakota Fanning vows never to join Twitter

This is not news but Dakota Fanning was seen purchasing a sheet of stamps & this 18 year old prefers writing letters the old way. I like it. I hardly know anyone who buys stamps & prefers sending letters by airmail now. My elder brother does it. Even I do that sometimes but I need address for that. 

Anyhow, she has vowed never to join social networking site Twitter. I’m glad to know someone who is saying so. What exactly do people like about twitter anyway? At least celebrities have a reason to be there. 

I used to tweet about animal petitions, but rarely someone ever bothered to sign them. And then you receive strange kinds of tweets in which people tell you that they love to fuck. As if you give a shit to it! 

Coming back to Dakota, she doesn’t have twitter or Facebook. She doesn’t believe in social websites as such. 

Earlier this month, she told Wonderland magazine: 

“I really don't need to let people know where I am and what I'm doing. I feel like a lot of people want their privacy but yet they tell people where they are. It's just not for me. I don't have a Facebook or Twitter and I won't. There's plenty of impostors out there. There's enough Dakota Fannings on Twitter for all of us.” 

Oh very impressive! She’s not just a talented actor, she also has brain cells. And you must bear in mind she’s just 18 year old & some people like Jennifer Aniston, Kelly Brooke, Katy Perry, Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian, etc still have undeveloped minds. They talk like such illiterate, backward fools & they are so much older than her. All of them complain how the media has invaded their privacy, but they just love to give idiotic & stupid interviews to project some kind of idea that click them at that very moment.