Monday, April 16, 2012

Stop killing babies in the name of honor

It actually boils my blood whenever I read stories in which newborn babies are killed by their own parents or left to die in gutters or garbage sites. These people are more concerned about their so-called honor. Babies that are born out of wedlock are very conveniently killed or discarded by their own parents or relatives, cause they don’t want to bring shame upon themselves.

I really am clueless as to what do they mean by honor & shame. A person who has no problem in murdering an innocent infant shouldn’t talk about shame & honor in the first place. It’s just okay to kill the newborn baby & that doesn’t even make them feel guilty. There is no shame in murdering an innocent baby. They are more concerned about what people will say. They shed tears in cases when judgment is passed & they are punished but in many instances, they get away with it.

I also have problem with the word ‘illegitimate’ which is used for such babies. If there is anyone illegitimate in such cases, it’s the biological mother & father. They should be called illegitimate parents. And it’s the narrow way of looking at such children, which is illegitimate. Abusing & calling these children names is illegitimate. It’s the kind of thinking that closed minds have regarding these children, which is illegitimate & impure. A newborn baby can never be impure or illegitimate & no where it is written in the Holy Quran to kill such infants. 

Fatima Ali is another woman who had an affair with a nameless man. It was okay to fuck around but the man didn’t want the baby & Fatima was more concerned about the shame than shouldering the responsibility of the baby. I’m not being judgmental but none of them was raped. You can’t say the baby was an accident. Moreover, there is an option of abortion, which for some unknown reason such guilty people never opt for, cause murdering the child seems to be a more fun thing or something. I’m sure the woman must have been hurt after being used & discarded by a man but she wasn’t a kid. She must have known that she could get pregnant. 

Fatima gave birth to the baby in her bedroom & she cut the umbilical cord & left her to die, cause she didn’t want to bring shame upon her devout Muslim family. 

Anyway, she has been given a 26-week prison sentence, & is also suspended for two years, and subjected to a twelve month supervision order. You left a baby to die, & you land in prison just for 26 weeks. I think this is not fair. Moreover, they should also punish the nameless, illegitimate father who is seen nowhere. 

Judge John Appleby said, “You failed to seek medical assistance following the birth of your daughter. The tragedy that followed is at the immense disaster for this child. She died within two hours of her birth, and, had you acted appropriately, her life could have been saved. There’s no evidence that you ill-treated or assaulted the child and it’s still a mystery perhaps as to the course of action you took following her birth. This is a tragedy and the result of your actions will be with you for the rest of your life.” 

Oh the nameless, illegitimate dad actually has a name. In fact Fatima’s family didn’t approve of her relationship with Kazi Mohammed Dilwar Hussein & when she got pregnant, he gave her money to have an abortion in Birmingham in 2009. Giving the money to have an abortion doesn’t make him less guilty. He was equally responsible. It’s obvious that he gave this woman a ditch once she was pregnant. On the other hand, she behaved as a thorough retard. She could have asked for medical assistance without involving her family, but she didn’t do anything of the sort. 

I have read cases in which women/girls kill the babies & even bury them. We even mentioned one such incident in our book ‘If mortals had been immortals.’ The girl gave birth to the baby in the bathroom & then she tried to flush the baby in the commode. 

I know many people out there would judge me for writing this blog post, cause I seem way too insensitive, cause I’m on the side of those babies who deserved to live but were killed by their own illegitimate parents. It is okay to satisfy carnal desires & to know the pleasure of the flesh. They don’t think about honor at that time, but when the baby is conceived, they all start thinking about honor. The illegitimate dad manages to vanish in thin air cause men don’t get pregnant & it’s easy for them to fuck off at that point but the illegitimate mother doesn’t have the option to disappear anywhere. I’ve heard stories about the love of mother & that nothing could stand in the way of motherhood. Where is the love of mother for her baby in such instances? Both men & women are equally responsible. 

Every child that is born deserves to enjoy life. He has the right to know life & I don’t think anyone (which includes of course biological parents) has the right to deprive them of life, which is a gift of God. Fine. If you can’t keep the baby, there are other options. Some childless couple may adopt him & give him a better life. Why kill him? Certain questions would always bother me. I don’t know why selfish people have children & those who would protect them like anything never become parents. 

PS Please forgive me for using the word fuck a number of times in this write-up. I just couldn’t help it, cause I’m really pissed off at the way infants are treated.