Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Pipes of Peace – Paul McCartney

This is such a beautiful song. And I have a thing for soft voice, so I love it even more. I suspect I’m in love with every guy who has a soft voice :P 

This ought to be the message that we need to spread: 

“Won’t you show me how to play the pipes of peace?” 

And “That the people here are like you & me.” 

Once we realize that, we might become better humans & stop hurting others. And I’m not just talking about wars. Even in everyday life some people seem to be on a battle field & they have no reason to be there, but I guess they enjoy hurting others & waging wars just to belittle others & insult them in any way they can. Bullies are one such example & they are present everywhere. What’s not done in battle fields, they make sure they carry out that ugliness wherever they can.

Anyway I really like these lines: 

“I light a candle to our love 
In love our problems disappear.” 

Maybe they do. Maybe they don’t. It depends a great deal on the other party as well. 


“Help them to learn 
Songs of joy instead of burn, baby, burn 
Let us show them how to play the pipes of peace.” 

I love both John Lennon & Paul McCartney. They were far ahead of time. Even today many people still belong to the Dark Ages & they refuse to enlighten their closed minds. They kill people for having different views.