Thursday, April 19, 2012

Liv Tyler reveals her beauty secrets

Alright. You all know I’m a huge fan of Liv Tyler & I think this woman is beautiful, sexy & attractive. In fact she’s the kind of celebrity who is beautiful inside out. She also doesn’t put on airs. And as usual she looks gorgeous in this photo. 

Her beauty tips are also not like that of Kelly Brook. You can work on these tips. Everything is easily accessible. 

Over all, the interview has been okay. She has just recorded her first single ‘Need You To Night.’ 

“I’ve been surrounded by music my whole life. I tend to burst into song a lot. To be honest, I’m surprised I haven’t done it before!” 

This woman has the thing in her genes & still she sounds quite down to earth about it. 

She has learnt a great deal from her grandmother. 

“From her, I learned things like to run a white nail pencil under my nails when I’m in the tub because it keeps the tips really clean and bright. She taught me a lot about grooming, always smelling good, and taking extra time to care for yourself, even when you’re being natural.” 

Now this is an ab fab tip. I had no clue that this is how you could keep your nails clean. 

 “I use a lot of conditioner—like, a whole handful—and I leave it on for a long time. It makes my hair really soft and fluffy.” 

Hair can give such trouble. Thank God we have conditioner, but water sucks big time over here. The kind of water we get here is bad for hair but nevertheless not much can be done about it. I’m amazed at people who don’t bother to take bath for three days & even more. The idea of it even sounds dirty that you don’t clean yourself every day. Anyhow, if you want your hair to look shiny, soft & fluffy, use lots & lots of conditioner. But I guess many people must be aware of it. 

 “I’d love to do a juice cleanse, but it’s hard when you live in New York and have a child and a job, so I just try to drink a lot of fresh juices, especially cucumber, with my regular food—I feel like it makes my skin look more radiant and hydrated. But I also drink wine, and I just ate a chicken pot pie for lunch. It was delicious.” 

So guys, this is about it. Unlike Samantha Brick, she’s humble about her looks & the fact is she’s genuinely beautiful. Btw, you guys would be surprised that I came across another lousy article on the so-called goddess Samantha but I ignored it. You must give me points for not scribbling anything on it as all along, I even tortured you guys while getting tortured myself.

Thank God these days I come across interviews given by humans. It’s so annoying when you go through those made-up interviews. 

You could check out the entire interview over here: