Monday, April 23, 2012

The search is over - Survivor

What a beautiful song! And I have been in love with it like forever! 

I don’t know what else to say except that men are such strange creatures. This one was at least intelligent enough to realize after one hell of a long time that love was right before his eyes. And I agree that only through some miracle of fate a man could come to his senses. 

As usual it’s very difficult for me to choose the best lines. I like the way it starts off: 

“How can I convince you what you see is real 
Who am I to blame you for doubting what you feel.” 

Anyone who realizes the worth of another person, I give him points for that. I guess taking for granted a woman who loves you is something that comes very naturally to a man. 

But you can see a bit of attitude is still there. A person waited for you & accepted you with all your faults, still he says this: 

“So if you ever loved me 
Show me that you give a damn 
You'll know for certain 
The man I really am! ” 

Anyhow, this man has got such a beautiful voice. I had so much fun listening to this song. Hope you enjoy it as well.